Snarl, v. t. [From Snare,
v. t.] 1. To entangle; to
complicate; to involve in knots; as, to snarl a skein of
thread. "Her snarled hair." Spenser.
2. To embarrass; to insnare.
[The] question that they would have snarled him
Latimer.Snarl, v. i. [From Snar.]
1. To growl, as an angry or surly dog; to gnarl;
to utter grumbling sounds. "An angry cur snarls while he
feeds." Dryden & Lee.
2. To speak crossly; to talk in rude, surly
It is malicious and unmanly to snarl at the
little lapses of a pen, from which Virgil himself stands not
Dryden.Snarl, n. The act of snarling; a
growl; a surly or peevish expression; an angry contention.
Snarl, n. A knot or complication of
hair, thread, or the like, difficult to disentangle; entanglement;
hence, intricate complication; embarrassing difficulty.
Snarl (?), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. Snarled (?); p. pr. & vvb. n.
Snarling.] [Etymol. uncertain.] To form raised work upon
the outer surface of (thin metal ware) by the repercussion of a
snarling iron upon the inner surface.