My covenant of peace that I covenanted with you.
Then Jonathan and David made a covenant.
1 Sam. xviiii. 3.
Let there be covenants drawn between us.
If we conclude a peace,
It shall be with such strict and severe covenants
As little shall the Frenchmen gain thereby.
He [Wharton] was born in the days of the Covenant, and was the heir of a covenanted house.
I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Gen. xvii. 7.
Syn. -- Agreement; contract; compact; bargain; arrangement; stipulation. -- Covenant, Contract, Compact, Stipulation. These words all denote a mutual agreement between two parties. Covenant is frequently used in a religious sense; as, the covenant of works or of grace; a church covenant; the Solemn League and Covenant. Contract is the word most used in the business of life. Crabb and Taylor are wrong in saying that a contract must always be in writing. There are oral and implied contracts as well as written ones, and these are equally enforced by law. In legal usage, the word covenant has an important place as connected with contracts. A compact is only a stronger and more solemn contract. The term is chiefly applied to political alliances. Thus, the old Confederation was a compact between the States. Under the present Federal Constitution, no individual State can, without consent of Congress, enter into a compact with any other State or foreign power. A stipulation is one of the articles or provisions of a contract.
Jupiter covenanted with him, that it should be hot or cold, wet or dry, . . . as the tenant should direct.
And they covenanted with him for thyrty pieces of silver.
Matt. xxvi. 15.
Syn. -- To agree; contract; bargain; stipulate.