Clin"ic (?), n. [See
Clinical.] 1. One confined to the bed
by sickness.
2. (Eccl.) One who receives
baptism on a sick bed. [Obs.] Hook.
3. (Med.) A school, or a session
of a school or class, in which medicine or surgery is taught by
the examination and treatment of patients in the presence of the
{ Clin"ic*al (klĭn"ĭk*al),
Clin"ic (klĭn"ĭk) }, a.
[Gr. kliniko`s, fr. kli`nh bed, fr.
kli`nein to lean, recline: cf. F. clinique. See
Lean, v. i.] 1. Of
or pertaining to a bed, especially, a sick bed.
2. Of or pertaining to a clinic, or to
the study of disease in the living subject.
Clinical baptism, baptism administered
to a person on a sick bed. -- Clinical
instruction, instruction by means of clinics.
-- Clinical lecture (Med.), a
discourse upon medical topics illustrated by the exhibition and
examination of living patients. -- Clinical
medicine, Clinical surgery, that
part of medicine or surgery which is occupied with the
investigation of disease in the living subject.