If music and sweet poetry agree.
Their witness agreed not together.
Mark xiv. 56.
The more you agree together, the less hurt can your enemies do you.
Sir T. Browne.
Agree with thine adversary quickly.
Matt. v. 25.
Didst not thou agree with me for a penny ?
Matt. xx. 13.
☞ The auxiliary forms of to be are often employed with the participle agreed. "The jury were agreed." Macaulay. "Can two walk together, except they be agreed ?" Amos iii. 3. The principal intransitive uses were probably derived from the transitive verb used reflexively. "I agree me well to your desire." Ld. Berners.
Syn. -- To assent; concur; consent; acquiesce; accede; engage; promise; stipulate; contract; bargain; correspond; harmonize; fit; tally; coincide; comport.